We Understand
A Solution To Prevent Climate Change In Your Own Little Way
Applicable to Residential and Light Commercial
BKR Energy and Enbridge
We understand the Pan-Canadian framework on climate change and clean growth. It outlines how federal, provincial, and territorial governments are reducing GHG emissions and promoting low-carbon economic growth for all Canadians. These governments are under a lot of strain to go low-carbon in an effort to address climate change, and part of this involves limiting the use of gas-fueled systems. The HVAC sector is under fire here, with systems traditionally founded based on gas. Governments are pushing to turn HVACs electric, for greener solutions that are more accessible and energy efficient. Building sectors with natural gas system are likewise at the risk of electrification, as the governments believe it would be a cleaner source of energy.
Unfortunately, this imminent electrification will limit the use of gas-fueled systems along with the demand for natural gas. And – electrification isn’t perfect. Existing grid infrastructures, including supplying and distribution equipment, are ill-equipped to handle such a surge in demand. Customers would also experience an unwelcome increase in their utility bills, due to the higher electricity cost compared to the natural gas in Ontario.



Smart Fuel Switching Controller