The objective of this pilot project is to demonstrate the benefits of a Hybrid Heating System with Smart Controls in approximately 120 homes located in London, Ontario.
In this project, Enbridge provides incentive for the homeowners to retrofit their existing HVAC system to a hybrid system. London Hydro introduces some of their employees as the homeowners and modifies the Trickle app to show the project findings. BKR Energy also provides smart thermostats with dual-fuel switching capability.
In addition, the project is intended to:
- Create awareness with homeowners/HVAC contractors/manufacturers to better understand key benefits and future market potential of Hybrid Heating with smart controls.
- Identify barriers and potential solutions (i.e. training, economics, performance, acceptance, supply chain).
- Measure homeowner acceptance, such as their experience and learning.
- Understand how homeowners prefer to operate the system (i.e. GHG reduction, cost reduction)
- Share program pilot results with key stakeholders to support a collaborative industry effort to accelerate adoption of Hybrid Heating Systems that exceed 100% energy efficiency as per NRCan’s Market Transformation Roadmap to 2030 goals.
Hybrid Heating Systems (including various HVAC vendors) with Smart Controls (BKR) have been installed in 115 residential homes in London, Ontario.
Pilot Home Locations